Custom News feed web part for SharePoint site feed app.
Use the below code to populate and post the feed in site feed app in SharePoint 2013.
Note :Enable/Activate Site feed feature in the list of available features
var clientContext;
var feedManager;
var allfeeds;
var website;
var websiteurl = "";
function populatePosts() {
try {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', sharePointReady);
catch (ex) {
function sharePointReady() {
clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
website = clientContext.get_web();
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onRequestSucceeded, onRequestFailed);
function onRequestSucceeded() {
// Ensure that the SP.UserProfiles.js file is loaded before the custom code runs.
websiteurl = website.get_url();
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(GetFeeds, 'SP.UserProfiles.js');
function onRequestFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message());
function GetFeeds() {
// Initialize the current client context and the SocialFeedManager instance.
clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
feedManager = new SP.Social.SocialFeedManager(clientContext);
// Set parameters for the feed content that you want to retrieve.
var feedOptions = new SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions();
feedOptions.set_maxThreadCount(10); // default is 20
// debugger;
subsiteurl = $('.microblog_projectsdl option:selected').val();
// Get all feed types for current site and get the Personal feed
allfeeds = feedManager.getFeedFor(websiteurl + "/" + subsiteurl + "/newsfeed.aspx", feedOptions);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(CallIterateFunctionForFeeds, RequestFailed);
function CallIterateFunctionForFeeds() {
IterateThroughFeed(allfeeds, "News", false);
function IterateThroughFeed(feed, feedType, isCurrentUser) {
var unreadcnt = feedManager.getUnreadMentionCount().get_value();
if (unreadcnt > 0) {
document.getElementById("spnunreadpstcnt").innerHTML = unreadcnt;
else {
var threads = feed.get_threads();
var divfeeds = "<div class=\"post-divfeeds\">";
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length ; i++) {
var thread = threads[i];
var actors = thread.get_actors();
if (thread.get_threadType() == 0) {
// Get the root post's author, content, and number of replies.
var post = thread.get_rootPost();
var authorName = actors[post.get_authorIndex()].get_name();
var postContent = post.get_text();
var totalReplies = thread.get_totalReplyCount();
var picURL = actors[post.get_authorIndex()].get_imageUri();
var attachment = post.get_attachment();
if (attachment != null) {
var previewuri = attachment.get_uri();
var attachmentname = attachment.get_name();
else {
previewuri = null;
attachmentname = null;
if (picURL == null || picURL == '') {
picURL = "/_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-divfeed\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + picURL + "\" alt=\"" + authorName + "\"><span class=\"post-authorname\">" + authorName + "</span><div class=\"post-content\">" + postContent + "</div> ";
if (previewuri != null && previewuri != '') {
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-Preview\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + previewuri + "\" alt=\"" + attachmentname + "\"></div> "
// If there are any replies, iterate through the array and
// get the author and content.
// If a thread contains more than two replies, the server
// returns a thread digest that contains only the two most
// recent replies. To get all replies, call the
// SocialFeedManager.getFullThread method.
if (totalReplies > 0) {
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"replypost-divfeed\">";
var replies = thread.get_replies();
for (var j = 0; j < replies.length; j++) {
var r_post = replies[j];
var r_authorName = actors[r_post.get_authorIndex()].get_name();
var r_postContent = r_post.get_text();
var r_picURL = actors[r_post.get_authorIndex()].get_imageUri();
var r_attachment = r_post.get_attachment();
if (r_attachment != null) {
var r_previewuri = r_attachment.get_uri();
var r_attachmentname = r_attachment.get_name();
else {
var r_previewuri = null;
var r_attachmentname = null;
if (picURL == null || picURL == '') {
picURL = "/_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-divfeed\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + r_picURL + "\" alt=\"" + r_authorName + "\"><span class=\"post-authorname\">" + r_authorName + "</span><div class=\"post-content\">" + r_postContent + "</div> ";
if (previewuri != null && previewuri != '') {
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-Preview\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + r_previewuri + "\" alt=\"" + r_attachmentname + "\"></div> "
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
document.getElementById("newsfeedSection").innerHTML = divfeeds;
function RequestFailed(sender, args) {
$get("spanMessage").innerText = 'Request failed: ' + args.get_message();
var resultThread;
function PublishPost() {
// Initialize the current client context and the SocialFeedManager instance.
clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
feedManager = new SP.Social.SocialFeedManager(clientContext);
//var socialDataItems = [linkDataItem];
var content = document.getElementById("txtPost").innerText;
// Create the post content.
var postCreationData = new SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData();
subsiteurl = $('.microblog_projectsdl option:selected').val();
// Publish the post. Pass null for the "targetId" parameter because this is a root post.
resultThread = feedManager.createPost(websiteurl + "/" + subsiteurl + "/newsfeed.aspx", postCreationData);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(PublishReply, PostFailed);
function PublishReply(sender, args) {
document.getElementById("txtPost").innerText = '';
function PostFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message());
Note :Enable/Activate Site feed feature in the list of available features
var clientContext;
var feedManager;
var allfeeds;
var website;
var websiteurl = "";
function populatePosts() {
try {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', sharePointReady);
catch (ex) {
function sharePointReady() {
clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
website = clientContext.get_web();
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onRequestSucceeded, onRequestFailed);
function onRequestSucceeded() {
// Ensure that the SP.UserProfiles.js file is loaded before the custom code runs.
websiteurl = website.get_url();
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(GetFeeds, 'SP.UserProfiles.js');
function onRequestFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message());
function GetFeeds() {
// Initialize the current client context and the SocialFeedManager instance.
clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
feedManager = new SP.Social.SocialFeedManager(clientContext);
// Set parameters for the feed content that you want to retrieve.
var feedOptions = new SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions();
feedOptions.set_maxThreadCount(10); // default is 20
// debugger;
subsiteurl = $('.microblog_projectsdl option:selected').val();
// Get all feed types for current site and get the Personal feed
allfeeds = feedManager.getFeedFor(websiteurl + "/" + subsiteurl + "/newsfeed.aspx", feedOptions);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(CallIterateFunctionForFeeds, RequestFailed);
function CallIterateFunctionForFeeds() {
IterateThroughFeed(allfeeds, "News", false);
function IterateThroughFeed(feed, feedType, isCurrentUser) {
var unreadcnt = feedManager.getUnreadMentionCount().get_value();
if (unreadcnt > 0) {
document.getElementById("spnunreadpstcnt").innerHTML = unreadcnt;
else {
var threads = feed.get_threads();
var divfeeds = "<div class=\"post-divfeeds\">";
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length ; i++) {
var thread = threads[i];
var actors = thread.get_actors();
if (thread.get_threadType() == 0) {
// Get the root post's author, content, and number of replies.
var post = thread.get_rootPost();
var authorName = actors[post.get_authorIndex()].get_name();
var postContent = post.get_text();
var totalReplies = thread.get_totalReplyCount();
var picURL = actors[post.get_authorIndex()].get_imageUri();
var attachment = post.get_attachment();
if (attachment != null) {
var previewuri = attachment.get_uri();
var attachmentname = attachment.get_name();
else {
previewuri = null;
attachmentname = null;
if (picURL == null || picURL == '') {
picURL = "/_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-divfeed\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + picURL + "\" alt=\"" + authorName + "\"><span class=\"post-authorname\">" + authorName + "</span><div class=\"post-content\">" + postContent + "</div> ";
if (previewuri != null && previewuri != '') {
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-Preview\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + previewuri + "\" alt=\"" + attachmentname + "\"></div> "
// If there are any replies, iterate through the array and
// get the author and content.
// If a thread contains more than two replies, the server
// returns a thread digest that contains only the two most
// recent replies. To get all replies, call the
// SocialFeedManager.getFullThread method.
if (totalReplies > 0) {
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"replypost-divfeed\">";
var replies = thread.get_replies();
for (var j = 0; j < replies.length; j++) {
var r_post = replies[j];
var r_authorName = actors[r_post.get_authorIndex()].get_name();
var r_postContent = r_post.get_text();
var r_picURL = actors[r_post.get_authorIndex()].get_imageUri();
var r_attachment = r_post.get_attachment();
if (r_attachment != null) {
var r_previewuri = r_attachment.get_uri();
var r_attachmentname = r_attachment.get_name();
else {
var r_previewuri = null;
var r_attachmentname = null;
if (picURL == null || picURL == '') {
picURL = "/_layouts/15/images/PersonPlaceholder.42x42x32.png";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-divfeed\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + r_picURL + "\" alt=\"" + r_authorName + "\"><span class=\"post-authorname\">" + r_authorName + "</span><div class=\"post-content\">" + r_postContent + "</div> ";
if (previewuri != null && previewuri != '') {
divfeeds = divfeeds + "<div class=\"post-Preview\"><img class=\"post-person\" src=\"" + r_previewuri + "\" alt=\"" + r_attachmentname + "\"></div> "
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
divfeeds = divfeeds + "</div>";
document.getElementById("newsfeedSection").innerHTML = divfeeds;
function RequestFailed(sender, args) {
$get("spanMessage").innerText = 'Request failed: ' + args.get_message();
var resultThread;
function PublishPost() {
// Initialize the current client context and the SocialFeedManager instance.
clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
feedManager = new SP.Social.SocialFeedManager(clientContext);
//var socialDataItems = [linkDataItem];
var content = document.getElementById("txtPost").innerText;
// Create the post content.
var postCreationData = new SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData();
subsiteurl = $('.microblog_projectsdl option:selected').val();
// Publish the post. Pass null for the "targetId" parameter because this is a root post.
resultThread = feedManager.createPost(websiteurl + "/" + subsiteurl + "/newsfeed.aspx", postCreationData);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(PublishReply, PostFailed);
function PublishReply(sender, args) {
document.getElementById("txtPost").innerText = '';
function PostFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message());
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